Day & Night Time Snackers, Emotional Eaters and Lovers of Comfort Food, this is for YOU...

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Does this sound Familiar??


  • I’m bored, so I eat but I know I shouldn’t and then I feel bad because I did eat.
  • I feel stressed, anxious, sad, tired, frustrated etc. and want to comfort myself with foods, so I do, but I know I shouldn’t and then I feel guilty.
  • I want to eat better, and I know what to do, so why don’t I do it?
  • I feel better when I eat healthy foods, but I keep sabotaging myself.
  • I want to feel in control around food, but I have a bad day and find myself diving into a bag of chips, a glass of wine, or devouring a chocolate bar.
  • I turn on the TV at night with the intention not to eat, and then I’m eating…how did that happen??


You keep beating yourself up because you think something is wrong with you

......but there is NOTHING is wrong with you. 


What’s wrong that you have NEVER been taught the skills you need to change your habits without thinking you need more willpower and discipline or a diet to follow.

Coaching calls for mindset training are a crucial part of your health journey!! 

It's where I teach you all the tools, strategies and secrets that helped me break my old, unhealthy patterns with food and body image. 

I thought it was all about the food & exercising more and having more willpower but what I learned is that I needed to reprogram and rewire the way my brain thinks when it came to my eating and work-out habits.


Enjoy instant access to these coaching calls series...

👉Boost Your Metabolism 

👉Willpower Series 

👉Weight Loss and Overeating 

👉Rewiring your Brain for Success 

👉Goal Setting

👉Creating Lasting Change with Habits


.....I teach you the skills needed to reprogram your old “operating system” so that you learn how to start working with your brain’s natural wiring instead of against it. 


When I finally reprogrammed my brain, and what my clients also say when they reprogrammed theirs is, that you start to get the long-term results you want instead of feeling like you are constantly struggling to get what you want. 


As you listen to the replay calls and join in the live calls, you will begin to apply the simple shifts you learn and will reprogram how you look at food, movement and healthy habits.  I will share with you the "PBA Technique" which is super powerful in changing a habit as is the "BEAR Technique".  As you learn and practice these techniques and learn new skills like mindfulness and visualization, you will begin to create new habits that support your goals.  


I didn't realize how my mindset was working against me. I thought I needed more willpower and discipline, but what I've learned is that I was missing the mindset skills. Having these has made the changes I wanted to make much easier. No more force. - Danielle


Your Weekly Health Success Sessions have transformed my mindset and I'm reaching goals I never thought were possible without feeling like I'm lost and confused. Tanya definitely knows how to teach us to break things down into simple steps that are achievable, thank you." - Carole


Imagine not spending another year going around & around in circles feeling frustrated and lost 🤔 when it comes to food and healthy habits.

Want clarity on understanding how your mind works when it comes to

changing your habits without force and more 🔥

setting 🔥

wiring your brain for 🔥

achieving your 🔥

Sit back and enjoy the mindset lessons and session, just ONE click away.



👉Boost Your Metabolism 

👉Willpower Series 

👉Weight Loss and Overeating 

👉Rewiring your Brain for Success 

👉Goal Setting

👉Creating Lasting Change with Habits


When you join the...

Vibrant Living Mindset Coaching Program - Transform your life...One thought at a time.


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"I feel way more in control of my life now that I understand about impulse control

and how the mind works when it comes to making decisions.

Tanya is a wealth of knowledge." - Karen

Willpower Audio Series

$39* one time fee

Audio Series to Understand Your Willpower

🔨Developing Your Willpower Muscle

😴Avoid Willpower FATIGUE

💥Willpower Dopamine

💥Willpower Reconcile Feelings

💥Willpower Create Vision


*tax included. Save now for a limited time, Reg Price $75.00 plus tax




Vibrant Living Coaching Membership

$125*/m (save $150 until Oct 20th - no coupon needed)

❤️Complete 24-7 access to my Vibrant Living Studio which includes movement + nutrition + mindset and so much more at your fingertips

❤️Access to these coaching call series....

👉Boost Your Metabolism 

👉Willpower Series 

👉Weight Loss and Overeating 

👉Rewiring your Brain for Success 

👉Goal Setting

👉Creating Lasting Change with Habits

❤️Access to weekly group coaching calls to keep you inspired and ask questions

❤️Private Facebook Group for Support and Motivation

❤️And a whole lot more at your fingertips...


*plus tax.  SAVE $150 (no coupon needed) for a limited time. Regular Price $275 plus tax


Canadian's click here to pay

US and International, please use BUY now Button


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Hi, I'm Tanya, a mum of 2 and founder of The Willis Method & Vibrant Living Membership.

I have over 30+ years' experience in the Health & Wellness field as a Behaviour Change Specialist, PNL1 Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer, Fitness/Pilates Instructor, Pain-Free Movement Specialist and more.  I wrote Cookie Dough in the Dark which has helped myself and many women dissolve the power of food in our lives.

I thought, like many of you, that I needed another diet or meal plan, and that would be the answer to my overeating, comfort eating, binge cycles and finally help me lose some of the weight that I wanted to get rid of. But another diet or meal plan was not the answer.

I thought, like many of you, that I needed more willpower and discipline. So I controlled my eating...for a time and then I couldn't and then I would eat more and more and feel like a failure and that something was wrong with me.

And maybe like me, you might be in the health and fitness world, or at least be interested in health and therefore you know what to eat but you just can't seem to consistently make the right choices, so again you feel like something is wrong with you, like I did.

But, like me, you don't know what to do, so you keep trying the different diets hoping that something will stick. Any maybe something does for a little while and then you just fall back into your old habits.

 And BINGO, that's when it hit me. This isn't about food. This is about my habits. But how do I change my habits??And then, another light bulb moment, I'm using food as comfort because I don't know another way to process these emotions besides eating them.


When I started to really study my habits and notice what was going on with my mindset and self-talk and then began studying behaviour change, I was so excited.

Now I had some real tools that I could use instead of the 2 we hear about all the time, you need more willpower and discipline. NO you don't. You need to learn the tools and skills to understand how your brain works so that you can work with your brain instead of against it.  Our brains are still functionally on 10,000 year old programming and that's OK when you know that, you can begin to work with what is happening with your brain instead of against it. LIBERATING., 

My dream for you is to be in control of what you eat because you are HUNGRY, not because you are reacting to having a bad day, or that you are bored or tired, or frustrated etc. That you keep the weight off for good (if you need to lose weight). That you have lots of energy to do the things you want to do in life. And that you STOP numbing yourself with food and actually process your feelings instead of eating them. 

During the years I have helped people:

⭐️Lose up to 60lbs and maintain it and have developed The Willis Method and Vibrant Living 

⭐️Improve their daily eating habits to increase energy, decrease mental fog, increase sleep, perform better at work, school and during workouts, recover better after workouts

⭐️Safely guided women during and after pregnancy to keep up their strength and get their bodies back

⭐️Relieve back, shoulder and various other pains in their bodies

⭐️Improve Posture, connection to Breath and reduces stress & anxiety

⭐️Incorporate challenging workouts into their existing exercise plan

⭐️Incorporate Pilates, Fascia release and mindfulness into their workouts

⭐️Motivated, supported and encouraged peeps to live their healthiest life

⭐️....just to name a few

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