About me
Hi, I’m Tanya! I’m a wife and mum among many other things!!  I’ve had many issues dealing with the scale going up and down, a muffin top that wouldn’t disappear, emotional eating binges that did not involve carrots and struggling with insecurity! Through all of this I just wanted to feel normal. I wanted to be happy like everyone else!

In my teens and 20’s I wanted the quick fixes, the magic pills, the fairy dust – whatever I could get my hands on to make me a lean, happy and sexy machine. Yup, found out it doesn’t exist. I wanted to cry!! I was so frustrated. I felt like I was going around and around until I was completely exhausted and back at the starting point. And when I talk with other women they feel that way too. So, I delved further into holistic health – the emotional, mental and physical – wrote a book, and have been in this field for many years helping 1000’s of women.
I discovered that by being smarter, not working harder, I could get the results I wanted and also for my clients. It started with some really small shifts that I will share with you over time. With this new knowledge, I felt ALIVE, VIBRANT and COMFORTABLE in my own skin. And my clients felt this way too!
My mission is to continue to help women step into the body they WANT. To feel confident & sexy, in control of their food choices and have their clothes fit just as they should while having the energy to live a VIBRANT life.
Healthy hugs,
Tanya combines 32 years of working as a Personal Trainer; Fitness/Pilates/Yoga Instructor; PNL1 Nutrition Coach;Â Behaviour Change Specialist;Â Pain-Free Specialist; Sleep, Stress Management & Recover Coach; author of Cookie Dough in the Dark, Founder of Vibrant Living Programs with ALOT of life experience and working with clients.
Tanya is also the host of the Menopause Made Easy Podcast on Spotify & Apple Podcasts
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